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News / Serbia 2006 Daily Jurnal VECERNJE NOVOSTI, March 25, 2006. / Serbian source Specialists look for babies TRANSLATED BELGRADE - The inquiry committee, formed in order to establish the truth about newborn babies that disappeared from maternity hospitals in towns in Serbia, suggested that the Minister of Interior should form a specialized unit which would investigate all the cases related to missing babies. This unit is supposed to consist of specialists who deal with blood delicts, organized crime and people trafficking and who would report directly to the Minister who would then notify the Safety committee about the information the police had required.
It was asked to precisely define procedures in cases of newborn babies' death at maternity hospitals which would imply obligatory identification from parents and specialists, autopsy and taking tissue samples for DNA analyses. That would also cover precisely defined procedure of taking babies body from medical institution to funeral company.
The inquiry committee has also suggested that the Law of DNA register should be established and that Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government should start an inspection service which would regularly control the work of birth services.