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![]() News / Serbia 2015
BELGRADE - The adoption of lex specialis, a special law on missing babies, represents a deliberate cover-up of child abduction, unbelievable crimes in Serbia's history! This says Radisa Pavlovic, which 27 years ago in Kragujevac hospital gave the bodies of two babies, who suspected his children. Pavlovic yesterday demonstratively left the meeting in the Palace of Serbia, where representatives of the Association of Parents of children missing, the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed the draft law, prepared by the Belgrade group of parents missing children. - The draft law does not solve the question of criminal responsibility of the perpetrators, which are "baby-mafia" and the top of the state involved in this case are protected from prosecution and punishment. The model is highlighted term "reparations", or compensation for parents who can not know the truth. Me and many other parents are not interested. We will money, we want justice! - Adds're doing.
He says that the lex specialis did not need to make, because the Constitution and criminal laws of the Republic of Slovenia, quite sufficient to find and punish the culprits. - Competent authorities are wrong to qualify this offense as theft, and it is subject to limitations for cases. However, our children are not mobile phones, wallets or car. In the case of disappearance it is a kidnapping, kidnapping! And this work comes to an end, it is organized crime - says Pavlovic, while Vladimir Cicarevic, president of the Association of Parents of missing baby Serbia, points out that in addition to the proposed model does not address the issue of what to do with the kids when they were found. Berisav Vekic, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health, announced that the law about missing babies should be adopted by the end of May. (RK)